Tom Daley adds A-Level results to his list of achievements this summer
Not content with getting a bronze in the Olympics, Tom Daley has continued his success by achieving great results in his A-Levels.
The Olympian took to Twitter this morning to share his results with his legions of fans, he wrote: 'I got an A in Spanish! Overall I have A* photography (A2), A Spanish (A2) and A maths (AS) :) thanks @PlymColleg1 :D'
Well, they are rather good, aren’t they? We’re impressed; he’s clearly not just a hunk in Speedos.
He will apparently be returning to college in September to complete his maths A-level and to study Spanish to a high level.
To be honest with you we don’t know how he’s going to fit it all in. He’s got that date with Cheryl Cole, he’s also reportedly dating that American diver, then there’s the diving itself, oh and not to mention all the new found celeb duties he’ll now have.
It looks like he’s managing ok though, because we caught up with him a short while ago promoting his book at Bluewater shopping centre (there were billions of fans btw).
We seem to remember that when we got our A-level results we cried a bit and then headed to the pub. Hopefully he’ll get the chance to go on the lash later.
Source : mrpaparazzi[dot]com
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