Friday, 17 August 2012

David Hasselhoff makes a right song and dance as he gears up to the launch of his West End show Top News

David Hasselhoff makes a right song and dance as he gears up to the launch of his West End show

The Hoff, as the kids call him, is poised to debut his West End show tonight  yes, tonight) and prior to its release we had a little chitty-chat with him about what we could expect from it.

But, being the lovely person that he is, the Hoff – who’s imaginatively titled play is called David Hasselhoff Live and is all about his life – went one step better than that by performing a number from the actual show for us. Ain’t that nice?

So if you’ve got a minute or two this afternoon (let’s face it – you do) have a ganders at our interview with The Hoff (he lets us call him that now you know) and watch him sing his little heart out as well.

Posted: 17/08/2012

Source : mrpaparazzi[dot]com


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